jam怎么用啊 多多举例子啊 各种词意的用法


  • jam1 及物动词 vt. 1.塞进;挤进;把...塞满;使挤满[O] Thousands of people jammed the stadium. 成千上万的人把体育场挤得满满的. The bus was so full that I was jammed in and couldn't move. 公共汽车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得. He jammed four apples in his pocket. 他把四个苹果塞进口袋. 2.堵住,塞住 3.压碎;挤伤(手指等) I jammed my finger in the door. 我的手指给门轧伤了. 4.使卡住;使发生故障 The door is jammed and I can't open it. 门卡住了,我打不开. 5.猛推;猛压;急踩(煞车)[O] He jammed the brakes on. 他猛地把车煞住. 6.【无】干扰(广播等) 不及物动词 vi. 1.塞紧;挤满;堵塞 A crowd jammed into the bus. 一群人涌上公共汽车. 2.卡住,不能动弹;发生故障[(+up)] The key jammed in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了. 名词 n. [C] 1.拥挤;堵塞;轧住 We were stuck in a traffic jam on our way to the airport. 我们去机场的路上交通阻塞了. We got into a traffic jam. 我们遇上了交通堵塞. 2.拥挤的人群;堵塞物 3.【美】【口】困境,窘境 I was in a jam because I didn't have enough money to foot the bill. 我带的钱不够付帐,处境很狼狈. jam2 名词 n. 1.果酱[U] Jam. 缩写词 abbr. 1.=Jamaica jam 1.果酱罐头 .. 5.果酱罐头(jam) 2.果冻 (厨具/点心及小吃公共标志/水果/服装/医... 果冻jam 3.使塞满;使堵塞 . jam vt.使塞满;使堵塞