英语高手请进.Couplet,say again couplets,is written in pairs or pap


  • written in pairs ON paper,不是written in pairs or paper,(写)在(纸)上,不能说(写)或者(纸);

    or inscribed ON bamboo,少了这个"on"句子是不通滴;

    "on the pillar dual statement said Jane meaning deep,antithesis neat,well coordinated,is a word a sound of Chinese language unique artistic form"这句机器翻译的吧?是说对联的吧?实在猜不出来原文是啥,劳驾您把原文发上来吧,还真不好意思说您这段话没有大的毛病奥;

    It is Chinese culture's treasure:听着不象老外说的话,改成:It is a Chinese cultural treasure吧.