英语对话 考口试要用 15句左右.


  • - Hi,I'm Mary,nice to meet you.

    - Hi,I'm Jane,it's nice to meet you,too.I sometimes see you with Jack around.

    - Yeah,he's my friend,he's really sweet and often help me with my paper.

    - That's nice,I knew him last year in New York,we were both tourists then.He showed me the way and led me to the right place,we became friends since then.

    - Jack loves to offer help,he is really warm-hearted,I heard he does charity work every week.

    - Yes,he's busy,but everyone like him.Look how many people showed up at his birthday party.

    - Right,he looks good in a tie,so like a diplomat.

    - I agree,he always acts like a gentleman and now he looks like one,too.

    - Let's go and congratulate his eighteenth birthday,shall we?

    - Of couse,let's go!
