at no point,says the report,did the crew formally identify a


  • 句子的意思是: 报告说, 机组从没有正式识别到失速的状况. At no point 是 "任何时候都没有过" 的意思 因为句子为了强调" At no point", 所以将" At no point" 提到句子的开头, 这样, 后面的谓语需要倒装. 原句的含意是否定的, 只是将否定体现在 "At NO point"中的 "NO"上了. 例子: 在电影" A Few Good Man" 中有一句很相似的台词 " At no point, was his health in danger." (他的健康从来没有受到威胁). 同一电影中另一段对话: " Aunt Jenny ?" " Yes?" "I am sorry, I was expecting someone older." "So was I" 最后一句也是倒装的, 强调"So". 正常的语序是" I was also expecting someone older". 仔细体会一下.