有关英美文学方面的几道习题~.(T or F)


  • 1.F.(I'm not sure about what the first epic is ,but i dont think it's Beowulf.)

    2.F.(He wrote poets...a philosopher usually doesnt write novels.)

    3.F.(Shakespeare wrote 38 plays.)

    4.F.(Shakespeare did write 154 sonnets,but he didnt invent them)

    5.T.might be true...(cuz spenserian sonnet named after Spencer..)

    6.T.(he's professional)

    7.don't get the question...Pope is not a person's name,right?

    8.T.(cuz i know it started in late 18th century..)

    9.T.( william wordsworth)

    10.F (eh~I know they wrote novels,dont know if they wrote play...)