find和lookfor find out的区别


  • find, look for与find out 的区别


    I have found my watch. 我找到了我的表。

    look for 表示“寻找”的过程和动作。例如:

    What are you looking for? 你在找什么?

    They were looking for their teacher everywhere, at last they found him at the library.他们到处寻找老师,最后在图书馆找到了他。

    find out是个短语动词,表示“搞清楚”、“弄明白”的意思,而且是经过研究、计算、探询等获知,得知。例如:

    Please find out when the train starts. 请查明火车什么时候开。

    Find out the answers from two of your friends. 从你的两个朋友那里找到答案。(用find out,表示句中的主语是通过打听、询问后才得到答案的。)