1 Your health is more important than anything else.
2 As bad ashisFrench andEnglish.
3 YounowthanwhenIlast sawyou,a little fat.
4 Beijing Road,saidthestreetsofGuangzhou,the mostcomplex.
5 Sincetherailwayisrepaired,thepace of developmentinthis townfaster than ever.
1 Myadviceisnothowungrateful.
2 Hedo not have confidence intheChinese level.
3 One neighborpromisedtolook after children.
4 Therearefiveemployeesinvolvedtodraw up a timetablefor the newproject.
5 Tallatthebeachhousebecausetheappearance is veryspecial andveryconspicuous.
1 He triedtosmile,buthis voicerevealedhisinner feelings.
2 Depression,try tothink abouthappy things.
3 Obviously, hewas very ill.
4 I'll wait foryouat least an hour.
1 We arelooking forthetruthandtoendureallthe pain.
2 Diseaseinchildhood memoriesare often particularlymemorable.
3 Almostnowaterin the desert.
4 Whenheheardherthoughts,veryangry.
5 Leaves andyour diseasenorelationship.