反义词就是两个意思相反的词,包括:绝对反义词和相对反义词.分为成对的意义相反、互相对立的词.如:真-假,动-静,拥护-反对.这类反义词所表达的概念意义互相排斥.或成对的经常处于并举、对待位置的词.如:春-秋,黑-白,高山-平地.这类反义词没有矛盾对立关系,但对比鲜明. 对应词:词性相同的情况下(名词对名词、形容词对形容词 等)
意思 相对 或 相反 的词语
(1) brother sister (9) uncle aunt
(2) this that (10) morning evening
(3) grandfather
grandmother (11) tomorrow yesterday
(4) man woman (12) waitress waiter
(5) daughter son (13) red green
(6) mother father (14) wife husband
(7) these those (15) girlfriend boyfriend
(8) girl boy
(1) quick slow
(2) laugh cry
(3) fast slow,slowly
(4) close open
(5) small big
(6) hard easy
(7) behind in front of
(8) long short
(9) far near
(10) on unde