metacoginition 即 metacognition,元认知 或后设认知
后设认知或译为元认知(Metacognition),又名"Knowledge of knowledge" ,"Learning of learning" ,是一种个人控制及引导心智历程的现象.利用这种现象,我们可以用之于学习策略,让学生了解到自己的思想模式之同时,透过控制自己的思想模式,从而达至效果的学习方法.这个名词由Swartz及Perkins发明及定义.(Burke,1999,p.128; as quoted from Barell,1992,p.258)简单一点来讲,就是对自己的认知过程(包括:记忆、感知、计算,联想等各项)的思考.
显明的 (explicit)
隐藏的 (implicit)
约翰·弗拉维尔(John Flavell)被认为是「后设认知」理论的创立者,以及这个词语的「始创人」.根据他的理论,「后设认知」可以分为「后设认知知识」及「后设认知经验」或「后设认知规则」两部份:
「后设认知知识」(Metacognitive knowledge)指在认知的过程(processes)里所获得的知识(acquired knowledge),亦即可用於控制认知过程的知识;
个人变数的知识 (knowledge of person variables)、
工作变数的知识 (knowledge of task variables)及
策略变数的知识 (knowledge of strategy variables).
KNOWING HOW TO LEARN,and knowing which strategies work best,are valuable skills that differentiate expert learners from novice learners.Metacognition,or awareness of the process of learning,is a critical ingredient to successful learning.
What Is Metacognition?
Metacognition is an important concept in cognitive theory.It consists of two basic processes occurring simultaneously:monitoring your progress as you learn,and making changes and adapting your strategies if you perceive you are not doing so well.(Winn,W.& Snyder,D.,1998) It's about self-reflection,self-responsibility and initiative,as well as goal setting and time management.
"Metacognitive skills include taking conscious control of learning,planning and selecting strategies,monitoring the progress of learning,correcting errors,analyzing the effectiveness of learning strategies,and changing learning behaviors and strategies when necessary." (Ridley,D.S.,Schutz,P.A.,Glanz,R.S.& Weinstein,C.E.,1992)