谁知道这些同义句怎么转换 the story was‘t easy enough for my daughter to
1.too hard/difficult
2.Why not 或Will you
I want to buy a coat for my daughter.同义句转换
4道同义句转换1.The flat was too expensive for my family to buy.2.T
He was kind enough to help me同义句转换
同义句转换:He found is was not easy to sleep
The bridge isn't wide enough for the car to pass同义句
the question is easy enough for my son to answer it
同义句转换 the crops are going to die because there isn't enough
同义句转换 Most of the students dont have enough time to finish t
同义句转换:She has enough money for the books,too.
同义句转换they don't have enough money to sanding