送审后变为“Under Review”,审稿意见回来后,编辑会根据审稿意见决定如何处理论文,这个过程状态为“Decision in Process”.然后过几天一般就能出来结果通知你,或录,或修,或拒.
decision in process 是不是under review
under review 31天,Required review completed 1天,现在是Decision in
under peer reviewing
decision making is the process of choosing为什么不用choice
under review直接变成awaiting desicion是什么情况
thus the decision-making process is fundamental to managemen
some suggest that the management process is decision making.
in the process是什么意思
投了一篇SCI文章,之前是under review,后变成 Awaiting Referee Agreement,这是什
work-in-process-quality inspector是什么意思
Pending decision是不是凶多吉少