5,We have not got a nice gard.6,What isher name?7,That is a thin girl in Room 208.8How better I'm feeling?
六年级英语(改句子)5.We have got a nice garden.(否定句)6.Her name is Ros
It is nice house and it is got a garden.改成否定形式00
her name is jean brown改为否定句00
请帮我看看这句英语,谢谢---We will have a beatiful garden.---I have got00
I have a nice book 怎么改否定句00
What a nice picture it is!改为否定句(这个句子有没有否定句啊?)00
I know her name 改为否定句00
I have a pen friend and her name is Anna.改为同义句00
I have a penfriend and her name is Anne怎么改成同意句00
We have got some books.(否定句)00
We have got six books.改为否定句和一般疑问句并做否定回答00