Franz Schubert was a famous composer(作曲家) who lived and work


  • 1.According to the passage,Franz Schubert__【C】__.

    A.was the headmaster of a school B.was an only child in his family

    C.lived and worked in Vienna D.was the son of a famous composer

    2.The first person to teach Franz Schubert music was___【A】___.

    A.his father B.his mother

    C.his school teacher D.the church organist

    3.Franz Schubert went to school when he was___【A】___years old.

    A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen D.fourteen

    4.Franz Schubert chose music as a career because he___【A】___.

    A.loved music B.did not do well in his study

    C.could not find any other job D.wanted to make his father unhappy

    5.“Swan-Song” is the title of a___【D】___. B.set of books of songs