

  • Like many of your classmates, you may have had a personal experience: Some people request you to do something to help foreign friends.

    I'm sorry, now he must go out in the library.

    I know I'm wrong last year to repair a course.

    4 vain dress may be seen as an impolite to others.

    Do not tell a joke before the manager left him "not serious" impression.

    Do not to leave the house with a key.

    The woman I saw in Japan are mostly home housewife.

    8. Listening to music while doing homework is a hobby for many young people.

    These pictures is ideally suited to preschoolers.

    10 The following is a successful businessman with seven qualities.

    11 I hope you like the food, please do not hesitate to tell us your favorite dishes.

    12. Stadium hang an interesting picture above is a group of pandas in various sports.

    13 students must overcome one of the problems and adapt to a foreign culture.

    14 to win the fellowships, first achieved outstanding results.

    15 in the written and spoken language is true.

    16 I'm sorry broke his cell phone, and is quickly heading out to buy him a new.

    17. These stresses will certainly help you to meet the new challenges.

    18 Do not just sit all day in front of a computer, what things are counting on parents to help you do