

  • 第三单元:

    1.He should stop wearing that silly earring.

    2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced.

    3.He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm

    4.He hopes to achieves all his aims soon.

    5.I am going to study harder the next term.

    6.The students are allowed to design their own uniforms.

    7.We should concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.

    8.Last year we went to an old people's home .

    9.It will be a great experience for me.

    10.She should be allowed to volunteer at the mewspaper office once a week.

    11.Many students are sleepy after a long week of classes.

    12.Students' hobbies can be get in the way of shoolwork.

    13.My parents have always taught me the importance of working hard.

    14.The military called obey orders.

    15.At present,studying hard is the most important.


    1.what would you do if you had a million dollars?

    2.i'd give it to medical research.

    3.i'd wear a shirt and tie.

    4.what are you worry about ?

    5.what if i don't you know anyone?

    6.i get nervous before big parties and then i get pimple.

    7.confident people aren't to speak in public.

    8.i'd tell him to ask my permission before he borrows somethings next time.

    9.my book have been came out.

    10.listener should't talk too loud .

    11. you are fairly confident.

    12.i'm easy to get along with everyone.

    13.our classmates want her to repersent the class in the shool contest.

    14.what do you think i should tell the rest of the students?

    15.i come up with the problems.