5盒名片40元 几个句子翻译1 五盒名片 共40元 2 您要做几盒名片 ? 3 我想做3盒名片,能给优惠点么? 4 每盒


  • 1 The total is 40 yuan for 5 boxes of business cards

    2 How many boxes of Business cards do you order?/want?/do you want to make/print?

    3 I want to order 3 boxes (of business cards). can I have a discount?

    4 8 yuan for each box of business cards/8 yuan per box/it costs 8 yuan per box/100 business cards per box/in one box/in each box.

    5 How much is it for one box of business cards?/how much does it cost for one box of business cards?/how much does one box cost?/how much is one box of business cards

    How much for these three boxes/how much are these three box of business cards/how much do the three boxes cost/

    6 how many business cards are there in one box/how many business cards per box

    what is the total number of cares in three boxes/how many business cards are there in three boxes/how many business cards in total (are there) in three boxes?