

  • 上海2011年闸北区高考英语二模卷参考答案


    Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension

    Section A 1-10 BBACD CDCAB

    Section B 11-13 BBA 14-16 ACB

    Section C 17.Wool 18.Ironing 19.Tuesday 20.8.5 21.Community Greetings 22.Study pressure 23.Guide 24.Lack of volunteers

    Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary

    Section A 25-40 CCBAC CCDCB CACBA C

    Section B 41-49 GJADHBFCE


    Section A 50-64 ABDAB ACABC DACAB

    Section B 65-75 BDDB CBB DBDC

    Section C 76-80 DFABE

    Section D

    81.calm and easy-going

    82.Work can enhance our prospects for a long life.

    83.One's self judgement.

    84.measures can be taken to extend life expectancy within our power.



    1.The teacher advised the students to listen to English news every day.

    2.It was two weeks before she recovered from the horror of the accident.

    3.Contrary to his hope,the job involves travelling (on business) and worling overtime.

    4.Continuous natural disasters reminded us that we should be prepared well at any time to face trouble.

    5.In terms of practical effect,the now regulation greatly improved the traffic condition and was recognized by the public.
