英语演讲稿翻译(很急很急,求好心人帮助 ...)


  • English speech translation (hurry hurry,find good people to help ...)

    Reward points:100 - still 14 days away from the issue of the end of 23 hours

    Being different

    In this maverick era,everyone in the pursuit of individuality and unassuming,they can all look forward to is the focus of the crowd the most sparkling,but distinctive in that we become one,we seem to ignored,or missing something.(Forget sth miss sth or even lose sth)

    As more and more so-called free,personalized start eroding the concept of young people,when more and more people with almost grandstanding gesture to win the public to remember the time when more and more like me and even older I was a young person than to a challenge to the social bottom line achievements of their own different way,we,is not it should begin to reflect on,or re-understanding,what is the real being different.

    I had seen an advertisement,the story of a deaf little girl going through many twists and turns,the points competition on the music stage,with an old violin played out a Canon to the audience breathless.The last appeared in an ad in English I can shine.

    You see,a deaf child,one with all of you such a different child,and she let people remember,not the physical defects,she paid several times more than the common people and even several times the sweat and hard work She crossed to the most unfair of God's different,their success shines bright different.She encouraged her tweedle people pulling the strings she beat out her different life.I can shine three words bring to me,is a real understanding of being different - to be excellent

    When U.S.President Franklin Roosevelt told the people to "move forward to do it until success is achieved",when Beethoven said,I will take fate by the throat,it will not bend me completely to its will in time.Said that when Stephen Hawking said,It matters if you just don't give up the time.These are the real being different,adapted from the soul and sublimation.