Why I choose to pursue my study.Our society has changed a great deal with the advanced science and technology.With the rapid changes,what should we do in order to get a good job to support our family?There is no doubt that what you should do is choose to pursue your study.Olny in this way can we live a better life in the future.As we all know ,the technology is changing so rapidly that we can't catch up with it if we don't pursue our study.So,as it said before,under this situation,why we should pursue our study become very obvious.It is good for you .Now it is not very obvious for you to discover this .But it is ture .Things will be out .Find it earlier ,or you will be regret .So.we should choose to pursue our study for our own future.可能会有些错误,大家发现错误要纠正过来哦,我也吸取经验.