process is more important than result的英语对话


  • A:What a bad day!

    B:What's the matter?

    C:About the result of the singing match?

    A:yeah, that's it...I've been practiced for such a long time,then just got this result--too nervous to forget the words!How stupid I was!

    D:Oh,come on!Stoping thinking that way!At least you have the courage to stand on the stage!

    E:D's right,you are better than us on this point at least.

    F:We all know that you sing beautiful songs,you fail this time just because you lack of the experience on the stage.

    B:That's time you will do better,I bet!

    C:Of course you will!We all know how hard you have practiced all these days,and we can feel you are doing better and better!

    D:So,don't think too much about the results.You cannot deny yourself just because of one failure!

    E:Think about the progress you prepared for this game,how much fun we have got from your practice,and how much you have learned.

    A:That's true,we had some wonderful time together,and I can realize that I sing better than before,but.

    F:Just forget the result.You cannot change it even you thinking about it everyday after that.If sadness and cry could change this result,we would all cry with you!

    A:Donnot tease me!I'm not crying.

    B:We know,we know!You can be that frail,she is just joking.

    C:Ok,you laughed.That's it!

    D:Yes!We tried,we enjoyed the progress,so we should accept any result without regret.

    A:Yes,I know.I feel better now,thank you all!Now let's go to practice more,for the next success!

    BCDEF:That's right!Let's go!