

  • environmental 形容词 adj..(个人)环境的;由个人环境产生的 a comparative study of the environmental costs of different energy sources 有关使用不同能源的环境代价的对比研究 a lengthy agenda outlining the extent of global environmental problems 勾勒出全球环境问题程度的冗长议程 a growing consciousness of environmental issues among children 儿童对环境问题不断提高的意识 environment 名词n.1.环境,周围状况,自然环境 A bad home environment can affect a child's healthy growth.不良的家庭环境能影响儿童的健康成长.The children have a happy environment at school.孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境.2.(运行)环境;工作平台;软件包