关于这段英语写一段2分钟的对话you want to deposit 500 in your savings sccou


  • A(clerk):Good morning,what can I do for you?

    B(client):Hi,I wanted to deposit 500 dollars into my savings account if that's ok.

    A:Sure,can I have your debit card please?

    B(hands over card and cash):here you are.

    A:This is 510,you wanted to do deposit 500 right?

    B:Oh,sorry the 10 dollar note must be hidden in the 100s.

    A:No worries.

    B:Also can I change a 100 note to ten 10 notes please?

    A:Let me see if I have 10 dollar notes at hand.sorry I don't have any at the moment.

    B:No problem.