

  • 1.China in My Heart

    My motherland China is the greatest country in my heart.China is one of the fastest-developing countries in the world.In terms of comprehensive capabilities,China is making progresses everyday.Therefore,i love China very much.

    2.The City and the Quality of Life

    As we all know that the logo of the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai is "Better City,Better life".I also think that City can improve the qulity of life.With the application of advanced science and technology,the infrustructure in cities will become better.

    3.Gaps between Rich and Poor

    There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in China.Those rich people are usually business persons or those who work as manager or CEOs.However,the poor people work hard but get small amount of money.

    4.On Drunk Driving

    Drunk driving do great harm to social security.When one gets drunk,he won't tell the right direction and is tend to hit another car on the street.THerefore,serious rules and regulations should be set to prevent this kind of phenomenon.

    5.Work and Health

    Health is the great foundation of work.WIthout a healthy body,one cannot fix his attention on his work.Only by eating a nutritrous meal can one forms good health.

    6.I Have a Dream

    I have a dream that one day i will become a teacher.Teacher is the most nobel job in the world because they form and develop people's heart and soul.Moreover,students pay a great respect to their teachers,and teachers will be very pride and happy about their respect.

    7.What can we do for those people who suffer from the disastrous events?

    Smile is a very powerful thing for human beings.It was heard that an old man in Canada smiled at a man who walked up to the edge of the hill and trying to kill himself.However,the old man's smile saved the man.Therefore,smile can save those who suffer from the disastrous events.

    8.Protection of the Earth

    Earth is the only planet we live on.Therefore,we should do whatever we can to protect it from being polluted.Using environmental-friendly material for our daily products will efficiently lower the pollution condition on our earth.