Tony said he was surprised to hear that thing
Tony said ," he is surprised to hear this thing."改为间接引语
He said to me,“Are you going home this weekend?”改为间接引语怎么改?
He said,"Mother,theboy is very naughty."改为间接引语
He said to the students ,‘‘Stop talking.’’【改为间接引语】
He said to Linda,"Do you understand?" 改为间接引语
直接引语改为间接引语He said to me,“Please come again tomorrow.”
He said to me,"Take a seat,please直接引语改为间接引语
he is very thirsty.(改为间接引语 he said 位于句首)
"Make sure the door is shut,"said he改为间接引语
he said,'it will rain soon."改为间接引语 he said that he
He said to me,"Will you be free tomorrow?"改为间接引语