完成下列句子Complete the following sentences:1.Columbus discovered


  • 1.Columbus discovered America _not by accident____.(并非偶然)

    2.__Not long ago___ I went to Beijing for a visit.(不久前)

    3.The child hoped to __to be a great scientist___ (成为一位伟大的科学家)

    4.You can come to see us _whenever you think____ (你想什么时候就什么时候)

    5._How much is the driver's responsibility____ for the passengers'safety?(司机对...负有多大的责任)

    6.The beds and chairs __are pretty comfortable___ (相当舒服)

    7.Thank you for the suggestions _you put forward with goodwill____ (你善意地提供给我们的)

    8.He __certainly has not seen___ the notice on the blackboard.(一定没有看到)

    9.Sorry to leave you and the we __will miss you very much___.(会非常惦念你的)

    10.As I _think over what had happened____,I had a new idea.(反复思考所发生的事情)