急求一篇作文Personality and Academic Success


  • Personality and Academic Success

    Is there any correlation between personality and academic success?Well,absolutely not!Personality and academic success are two completely different things.Personality is only one's behaviour and it has nothing to do with academic success at all.

    The reason is quite simple really.Because academdic success needs intelligence,talents,hard working and interests in whatever you are studying.No matter how good and how nice or wonderful your personality is,how well you behave would not affect you academdic success a bit at all.Simply,you can't improve your grades for just being behave well.You can't solve mathematic problems because you have a good personality or you can't work out a difficult physics question for how ever nice you are.They take more to be solved!

    Good personality is only good in making friends.To be successful academically you need talents,skills,abilities and many other factors,which could help you to understand reasons and be able to solve tricky problems and personality is not one of them.

    Therefore,in conclusion,Personality and Academic Success are two completely different animals.They have no relations with each other whatsoever.
