

  • 有些地方不懂你想表达什么,只能改成这样,将就下吧

    In my opinion, love is everywhere, whether in reality or network, there is love. But different people have different opinions about love; the key point to love is mainly to see how you treat it. I think to love a person have to trust each other and mutual understanding, to respect each other's thoughts and differences. Someone says that love is not forever, but I don’t think so. We have a long time to love, because we can protect our loves, just like Vingo's wife in the text. She is a nice woman, when her husband was in jail, she didn’t give up, and brought up their children by herself. I think we can use one word to describe her -- great. And from these, we can recognize how great their love is. So I think the true love is never give up.