英语二模拟题11.True love cannot be ,and it is priceless.A.brought


  • 1.True love cannot be C ,and it is priceless.

    A.brought B.caught C.bought D.broad

    2.Finally the crowd broke (up) _ D____ several groups.

    A.within B.in C.at D.into

    3.Being afraid of the dark,she always slept A the light on.

    A.with B.by C.beside D.of

    4.John is not C whether Eddie likes the picture of him and his family.

    A.ensure B.assure C.sure D.surely

    5.When he got C the train,he didn’t know where he was.

    A.on B.up C.off D.at

    6.She went into the street and A a taxi home.

    A.took B.taking C.taken D.had taken

    7.Why should we find some A to the problems brought by TV?

    A.means B.way C.solution D.method

    8.This region B at an average of 4,000 meters above sea level.

    A.lays B.lies C.locates D.places

    9.I was ___ C_ _ to find his article on such an ___ _ _ topic so ___ __ .

    A.surprised,excited,bored B.surprising,exciting,boring

    C.surprised,exciting,boring D.surprising,excited,bored

    10.He ___ B __ his book on the desk last night.

    A.lie B.laid C.lay D.lain

    11.Although they are brothers,they are entirely __ B __ each other .

    A.get along well with B.different from

    C.satisfied with D.ashamed of

    12.Hardly __ C __ the classroom when the class began.

    A.he had entered B.he entered

    C.had he entered D.he was entered

    13.Come here and give me a ___ D ___.

    A.help B.hands C.support D.hand

    14.This post card is sent by _ B ___.

    A.a friend of father B.a friend of my father's

    C.my father friend D.my father friend's

    15.It’s foolish to A your time.

    A.waste B.leave over C.spend D.damage

    16.With a school record like a young woman,why didn’t you try for a university scholarship?