

  • W1:I’m all right.There’s no need to do so.( W1 is about to fall down.)

    D:(Helps him up) Your leg discloses you!Let me have a look.Ah,it’s going worse.Let me put some

    medicine on you.

    W1:No,it isn’t necessary.There is little medicine left.Go to look after that young man.He has a high

    fever.He seems fainted.

    D:( Takes W2’s temperature.) So he has!He needs an injection but we have none.Feed him these last three pills with warm water.What else can I do?There’s no medicine left.

    W3:Don’t worry,Doctor.I am young and strong.I am all tight now.I’ll go and buy some medicine.

    D:No,you are not all right.Your leg will bleed when you move.Lie down and have a good rest.