He received a letter from his mother ..


  • 答案并不唯一,不过保证答案准确!

    1.He received a letter from his mother.

    = He heard from his mother.

    = His mother sent/wrote a letter to him.

    2.While I was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window accidentally.

    = While I was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window by accident.

    3.The window smashed.

    = The window broke.

    = The window was broken.

    4.He didn’t say anything.

    = He said nothing.

    = He kept silent.

    5.Mum questioned him lots of questions.

    = Mum asked him a lot of questions.

    6 The guy is too afraid to talk to anyone.

    = The guy is so afraid that he doesn't dare to talk to anyone.

    7.Can you tell me how to use the computer?

    = Can you tell me how I can use the computer.

    8.He doesn’t know where he goes.

    = He has no idea where he goes.

    = He is/feels lost.

    9.I want to know what I do with that old man.

    = I want to know what to do with that old man.

    want还可以换写成would like

    10.He took a plane to Paris.

    = He went to Paris by plane/air.

    11.She sat next to me.

    = She sat close to me.

    12.The young man is sitting alone.

    = The young man is sitting by himself.

    13.Mum often makes me study harder.

    = I'm often made to study harder by Mum.

    14.They were made to run faster by P.E.teacher.

    = P.E.teacher made them run faster.

    15.Most of students didn’t know how to learn English well.

    = Most of students didn't know how they could learn English well.

    Most of students还可以换写成The majority of students

    didn't know还可以换写成had no idea

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