

  • 37页

    雪碧:Obey your thirst

    百事可乐:THE choise of a new generation

    雀巢冰淇淋:TAKE time to indge

    耐克运动鞋:JUST to do

    其他英语广告词:雀巢咖啡:THE taste is great

    百事流行鞋:ASK for more

    C:勿折花木:DON't harm the flowers

    来宾登记:VISITORS please reaister

    请勿践踏草坪:DON't trample on the lawn

    请随手关门:CLOSE the door behind you

    勿乱扔废弃物:NO littering

    第38页 英语谚语

    1 不入虎穴焉得虎子 2人善被人欺,马善被人骑 3耳朵发烧有人念叨 4杀鸡取卵

    第2题 改为条件状语从句

    得寸进尺:if you give him inch ,he will take a mile

    早睡早起,精神百倍:if a man goes to bed early and wise early ,he will be healthy wealthy ,and wise

    自助者天自助:if you help yourselfs ,god will help you

    自己不动,叫天何用:if a man who doesn't act heaven will never help him

    不劳无获:if there are no pain ,there will be no gain

    第3题 积累谚语

    A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

