请英语高手帮忙写一篇英语作文 practice joke的好处或坏处 只写一个方面 字数120以上,文采要好


  • Refer to practical joke ,however ,many people say they often play it on others or they’re ribbed by their friends.Every coin has two sides.So we can’t have a prejudiced attitude on it .in my opinion ,it has many advantages .As we know ,we play joking on someone who are our friends or our classmates and others we’re acquainted.We can get much happiness from practical joke after hectic work or hard study.We just do bellow out a laugh and relax ourselves.It let us forget pressure temporarily.Playing a practical joke on a colleague could encourage creativity and improve team-working,according to jobsite TheLadders.co.uk.TheLadders.co.uk.(在线求职网站的调查表明).on the other side,we can promote friendship between us from joke.It can also mke us a fund of good humor .so I thik it’s full of good sides .你可以再根据自己的想法作适当更改变成自己的东西,我自己写的,如果有错误还请见谅.