急求一片英语作文 明天你准备好了吗?字数不少于200字!


  • Are you prepared for future?When it comes to the future,we have all got our own ideas about how we will spend it.Perhaps we will end up buying a bigger house than the one we have now.There might be a particular car that we can see ourselves driving around in.And just think about all the holidays we will have time for once we ease up on work and get to retirement age.But of course many people are finding out that they haven't got anywhere near as much cash for all those things as they thought they would have.Living for today might be a lot of fun,but it doesn't put into place all the plans that we need to have for our later years,and if we don't start thinking about it now we might have a nasty shock waiting for us when we finally get there.So where do you start?If you are still young and enjoying how your life is going it can feel very strange to sit down and start thinking about what you will do when you retire.After all,that could be decades away!The truth is though that one day it will be here,and then it will be too late to start planning for the changes we will see in our lives.If we really want to live out the dream we have of doing exactly what we want and when we want to do it,then we must take steps now to make sure we will be able to afford all those dreams we have.