

  • Like JJ,as like his pure,his keeps,his youthful vigour,his handsome.Especially he is that very sweet smilling face,as the fans grow illusion to consider him their elder brothder."Don't understand how to express gentle and soft of us ,all think to die for love is just ancicent hearsay.Beleive to love for a day ,it be better than to freeze time in an instant forever..”He relay his lost soul and heartache by music to you ,blending your heart toghter slowly with his music,make you to immerse in the love that it don't open and cry out ,let you worry and to pain toghter with him.While sing finished,the affection can't draw away,still hide in heart bottom,and can't pass away in a very long time.喜欢林俊杰,就像喜欢他的纯净,他的青春活力,他的潇洒.特别是他非常甜美可爱的笑容.以至于他的fans们都把林俊杰当作他们的哥哥.“不懂怎么表现温柔的我们,还以为殉情只是古老的传言.相信爱一天,抵过永远,在这一刹那冻结了时间.”他通过音乐向你表达他迷失的灵魂和悲痛的心情.是你的心情慢慢的与他的音乐融为一体,是你沉浸在无法诉说无法哭泣的爱情之中,使你与他一起担心,一同心痛.当音乐结束,这首歌的影响却挥之不去,直至埋藏在你心灵的最深处.