短一点就好,关键是要快,about relationships”


  • Talk about the common myths

    about relationships such as Love

    at First Sight Honesty is the Best Policy.A woman and her son were looking at the gorillas.Suddenly the boy climbed up

    the fence and fell into the gorilla area.Everyone was horrified.The zookeepers

    rushed to the door thinking of a way to get the boy out.An Amazing StoryBackAn

    Amazing StoryBut then Binti one of the female gorillas did But then Binti one of

    the female gorillas did something amazing.She picked up the boy and put him in

    front of the door.Then the zookeepers got the boy out.An ambulance came to the

    scene and took the boy to the hospital.Luckily the boy wasn’t injured.But what

    an exhausting day for the boy and his motherPrevious Page Previous Page BackA.

    Listen and number the sentences in the correct sequence