

  • 1.delicious美味的.These chips are( delicious.)薯片很美味.

    2.pocket口袋.The shirt has got a( pocket.)这件衬衫有一个口袋.

    3.idea主意,想法.I think his(idea )is good.我认为他的主意很好.

    4.told.原型tell,讲诉.Eric( told)a joke.It was funny.Eric讲了一个笑话,很好笑.

    5.easy简单的.This queation is( easy )for him.这个问题对他来说很简单.

    6.shelf架子.There are some toy on the( shelf )有几个玩具在架子上.

    7.borrow借.I want to( borrow )a book from the library.我想要从图书馆里借一本书.

    8.theatre剧院.He watched a movie at the( theatre )他在剧场里看了一部电影.

    9.field土地.She plants some vegetables in the( field ) 她种了一些蔬菜在地里

    10.again再,又.We didn't see clearly.So the teacher did it( again ).我们没有看的很清楚,所以老师又做了一遍.