"Idol girls" members of the average age was 18 years old,is from the hundreds of carefully selected candidates who,after a year after the final closure of the training debut identified nine members.Members can not only good at singing and dancing,but also fully qualified host,models,actors,songwriters and other work,from the training began,the Company under each of the characteristics of orientation and special training,sought to "Idol girls" to create a covering film,TV,songs,over,models and many other artists habitat idol.
Love flower culture,according to relevant source,"Idol girls" will break the previous portfolio model,draw China,Korea,Japan,and Europe and the United States to build on the successful experience mix a new portfolio model."Idol girls" combination as the incubator of the implementation of survival of the fittest system in the future mature members will also form a new boy bands or separate development,by the exercise of outstanding students who supplement their location,ranking member of the latter will continue to train out of a combination of eventually become a chain combined model to the Chinese entertainment circle continuously fresh blood.
"Idol girls" is "as" Taiwan's Morning Musume."" And "Black Girl (formerly known as black astringent would crush)" of the Chinese version of boy bands,"Idol girls" love of flowers belonging to Beijing Culture Communication Co.,Ltd.,the company learned Johnnys Japan,aimed at foreign as Japan's "Morning Musume."Idol,and many combinations in the performing arts market advantages,and more than boy bands in the country under the premise is still in the blank introduced the first combination of more than girls.