空乘面试英语题(共4道)急!What do you think of the role of cabin attenda


  • 口头回答 还是卷面?两种的篇幅可是不一样的啊

    第一题 你觉得空乘(CA)在飞行过程中的角色是什么?First CA is the helper to passengers,second CA is the guardian of order and safety at that flight,third CA should assist other members of the crew,especially the Captain,to make passengers and the crew communicate smoothly.

    第二题 你是如何理解空乘这份职业的?As a job,CA is part of the Service Industry,so

    we must provide excllent service.This job needs good communication skills and social control that's why I like it.It also requires outstanding mental and physical qualities such as great patience,calmness as well as strong body and so on.

    第三 你在处理文化差异方面有什么经验?

    你的经验了,我不能瞎说.起码嘛 要尊重差异吧 respect 耐心详细解释 explan patiently and in


    第四 你觉得了解一些关键的文化差异能够帮助你顺利开展空乘这项工作吗?为什么?

    Of course it does.Kowning such differences will help people's understanding and communication to each other.Part of CA's job is to help passengers,so cultural help cannot be missed.Clients' good feeling during the whole service is my personal goal and more importantly our company's pursuit.

    还有什么欢迎追问 加油!