高一英语单句改错1.Why didn't you catch the last bus like i told you


  • 哥你真厉害,但我不保证全对啊

    1.Why did you catch the last bus like i told you do?

    2.It has been stayed hot for about two weeks.

    3.My boss is hard to talk with,so i daren't to ask for a rise.

    4.Some students find it is hard to learn English well.

    5.I wonder if they will arrive on time

    6.They stood there and had a talk face to face.

    7.We must keep the balance of the nature.

    8.Children like to play outdoor especially snowing.

    9.He is suffered a bad cold.

    10.The skirt added to her beauty.

    11.He left the office unhappily.

    12.Helen had to shout in order to make herself heared.

    13.She dares not go out at night.

    14.Whom do you think he will go camping with?

    15.You really don't know where we went through while work on this project.

    16.My camera was borken and i had to get it repaired.

    17.Keep diary is a good habit for students.

    18.He said that he would leave for Eurpoe next Monday.

    19.He went back home hungrily and tired.

    20.My friend would go on a holiday,so he asked me to took care his dog.