完形填空:Hearing is very important to all of us.


  • Hearing is very important to all of us.We can  46  beautiful music,nice songs of birds,the laughter of people or other different kinds of  47  in the world with our ears. 48  we must try to protect our ears.The following will tell you  49  protect ears.

    Listening to  50  music a lot can be bad for ears, 51  when headphones(耳机) are used.So try not to wear headphones or  52  the volume(音量) when you’re wearing headphones.You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.

    Before swimming,remember  53  earplugs(耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water  54  into your ears.

    If you are going to a concert,wear earplugs to protect your ears  55  the terrible music! 56 ,special earplugs can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musician yourself.

    See a doctor if your ears  57 . 58  some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so.

    59  the advice above now and you won’t be saying “what?” when you are getting  60 .

    46.A.listen    B.hear     C.listening   D.hear of

    47.A.sounds    B.noise     C.voices    D.barks

    48.A.Because   B.Although   C.So     D.But学科王

    49.A.what    B.how    C.what to   D.how to

    50.A.loud    B.aloud   C.loudly   D.quiet

    51.A.specially   B.especially  C.special    D.especial

    52.A.turn on   B.turn off   C.turn down  D.turn up

    53.A.put    B.to put    C.putting    D.to putting

    54.A.getting   B.to get  C.with getting  D.from getting

    55.A.for    B.from    C.with    D.at

    56.A.In fact   B.In short   C.In general   D.In a word

    57.A.break   B.hurt    C.ill     D.sick

    58.A.Drink   B.Eat    C.Take    D.Have

    59.A.Listen   B.Hear    C.Follow   D.Fetch

    60.A.young   B.old     C.sick     D.tired

    46—50 BACDA   51—55 BCBDB 56—60 ABCCB