

  • 1. under the mountain all Shi Xuexia 2. champions a popular cause, sound non-Canada illness also hole of the 3. non-snake ricefield eel does not have may depositor 4. earthworm not have advantage of the lackey, the physique strong 5. your majesty comes what to hold?

    6. copious public security in?

    view of the 7. ancient in the world, the mountains and rivers, the early wood, the insect fish, the birds and beasts, often has the 8. personal prejudice to open good, has makes by the matter.

    9. is the country not causes for the power and influenced acquired over a long period to plunder.

    10. careless big by world, but broken perishes from six countries the story.

    General 11. fights Hebei, the feudal official fights Henan.

    12. copious male soldier 100,000, on tyrant.