帮我在括号填上正确的单词11.”where( )that one hundred dollar bill I gave


  • 11.”where( is )that one hundred dollar bill I gave you last week?”tom asked.

    12.three years had passed.i round he had( forgotten ).

    13.he has tried rwice,and he is asked to have( a )third try.

    14.( 留空,不能填 )china is( an )old country with( a )long hisrory.

    15.england is justly proud of( its )great poets,especially( those )in the 18?century.

    16.one should take care of( hinself/herself ).

    17.”jane certainly has a low opinion of jack’.it can not be any worse than ( )of him.

    18.( my )school is larger than( yours ).

    19.( they/ we )are all fourteen years old .

    20.mr.and mrs smith are so excited today,for they bought ( something )yesterday.