英语口语考试演讲 后天就要考口语..请帮我想一篇稿.大概一两分钟.老师需不需要每节课点名?用英文演讲.观点同意或不同意都


  • 晕! 你也没说演讲几分钟,大概需要多少字啊!写两句吧,你这么急.

    whether to call students' name in each class is recently raised by school staff and even students themselves. some hold that it is a waste of time, especially for those who have been in the class for quite a period of time, let's say 2 years or 3 years. These portion of people argue that since their teachers have already known their name by heart, why should they do that each time? why not just skip this process and directly ask if there is anyone absent? On the contrary, there are still some who believe that calling the roll is a necessary part of each class. Allow me to say that I am prone to this side personally. For one reason, the calling helps to check if someone is missing the class. It helps the instructors to figure out who is not attending class or any special occurance on the day. For another, which is rarely given thought by many people that this is really a necessary part of the lesson. For some creative teachers, this is not just the dull routine, instead, teachers can check out how their students have learnt previous courses, if there are new questions raised by them. And during this step, an interesting teacher can throw the new thread of the lesson he or she is going to preach. this will allow the atomosphere in class more easy and leasurely. Their young listeners won't feel tentious as they are in normal class. This is a two-way discussion, sometimes brings unexpected but active response from the vigorous young learners.

    from the above, I embrace the latter opinion.