SAT两道语法题!1.Aloe vera is a succulent (plant from whose leaves


  • 1、我把原句说的东西分解成几句话,你可能就容易懂了:

    (1)Aloe vera is a succulent plant.

    (2)A gel is extracted from the leaves of Aloe vera.

    (3)The gel has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properties.

    意思是说,Aloe vera 是一种多汁植物,(人们)从它的叶子里提取一种胶,这种胶自古就因其药用价值而被视为珍品.


    A gel [that has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properties] is extracted from the leaves of Aloe vera.(方括号里是定语从句)


    Aloe vera is a succulent plant from whose leaves a gel [that has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properties] is extracted.(通过from whose leaves 构成定语从句,把它们连接了起来)

    但是现在这个句子的后半部是一个很长的定语从句,而这个定语从句有一个巨大的主语,为了让句子看起来更平衡,就把这个定语从句里边的结构做以倒装,即:把is extracted移到前边来,而把那个漫长的带定语的主语移到后面,于是就成了B选项的样子:

    Aloe vera is a succulent plant from whose leaves is extracted a gel that has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properties.


    2、这个句子比上一个容易理原句缺谓语动词,加了are之后的主干是 Two basic types of carbohydrate are the simple carb...and the complex carb...这样就合理了.理解了这个,你应该就明白你说的那两种为什么不合理了吧?