

  • 1)◎ 按图索骥 àntú-suǒjì

    (1) [look for a noble steed with the aidof its picture;look for sth.according to information at one's disposal;look for sth.by a plan chart]∶骥:好马、千里马;索:寻找.原指按照伯乐的《相马经》去寻求好马

    (2) [lacking originality;initiative or imagination in doing a job]∶引申为依照既得的线索去寻找目的物.讽喻拘泥成法、食古不化、不知权变的人

    2)◎ 草木皆兵 cǎomù-jiēbīng

    [every bush and tree looks like an enemy—a state of extreme nervousness,as if surrounded by enemies;apprehend danger in every sound] 《晋书·苻坚载记》:淝水之战,苻坚看到 东晋军队阵容严整,又远望八公山,把山上的草木都当成晋军,十分恐惧.后用以比喻惊慌失措、猜忌敏感的心态