

  • ①大多数塑料质轻,化学性稳定,Most of the plastic light weight,chemical stability,and will not rust

    ②耐冲击性好:Good impact resistance

    ③具有较好的透明性和耐磨耗性:Has good transparency and abrasion resistance

    ④绝缘性好,导热性低:Good insulation,low thermal conductivity

    ⑤一般成型性、着色性好,加工成本低:General molding,color is good,low processing costs

    ⑥大部分塑料耐热性差,热膨胀率大,易燃烧:Most of the poor heat-resistant plastics,thermal expansion rate,easy burning

    ⑦尺寸稳定性差,容易变形:Dimensional stability is poor,easily deformed

    ⑧多数塑料耐低温性差,低温下变脆:The majority of poor low-temperature-resistant plastic,low temperature embrittlement

    ⑨容易老化:Easy to aging

    ⑩某些塑料易溶于溶剂:Some plastics soluble in solvents.