IF I WERE A DOCTOR 2分钟的演讲 英语好的能给我一篇范文吗


  • If I were a children's doctor,I would treat my patients in a friendly way.I would try my best to cure their illnesses.If I were a children's doctor,I would regard the sick children as my own.I would care for them and love them.If I were a children's doctor,I would make every effort to acquire medical professional knowledge and then put it in practice.If I were a chilldren's doctor,I would care less about my salary and more about the patients's health.If I were a children's doctor, I would devote my whole life to the work for children

    if i were a doctor, i would help as many people as i can. i wouldnt give the best sugggestion to my patients instead of giving the most expencive chioces like many hospital did. i would treated whoever is sick and would payed my greatest attention to their problems. i would try my best to heal them. i would feel happy after giving back health to my patients. if i were a doctor, i might not make the world better, but i would try my best to help people around me.
