张明在英语学习中遇到了很多困难,比如听不懂老师讲的,不敢与同学用英语交流等. 请John的身份给张明回一封e–mail,


  • Hi, Ming Zhang ,

    I am writing to let you know it is common for students to meet a problem in English studying and actaully, English is not as difficult as you imagine if you are in confidence and work hard.

    First, as a foreign language, you need to do more practice. Practice makes perfect.

    Like, you can preview the textbook in advance and meomery the words in the vocabulary list.

    In this way, I believe it is easier for you to understand what your teacher talk in the class.

    Second, you should be confidence in yourself. Most of Chinese people tend to be shy paticually speaking in other language. So you just do what the other do and nothing to be worried about.

    As far as i am concerned, you should change your traditional mind and look for the fun and enjoy the time when you use English. You just take it as a sort of show off in front of others and attract other people .Maybe it became a secret weapon to persuit a girlfriend.

    Moreover, i suggest you find some regular time to read the english in 30 min everyday.

    I believe you will make a great progress in future.Looking forward to your good news.

    Best wishes!

    Sincerely yours
