can iborrowyour new car同义句
Can you lend your new car to me?
如果有题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
we are saving for a new car.同义句
Can you put your car here?(同义句)
That new car is my cousin's改为同义句
We can drive the car,too同义句转换
Can you drive a car?改为同义句
同义句转换:Can I see your new pen?Can I___ ___ ___ ___ your new p
can you take me in you car 的同义句 can you _ _
he decidede to buy a new car的同义句是啥?
His mother bought him a new toy car.(写出同义句)
can i borrow your car the sunday?(同义句) _ i _ you car this su