完形填空 Wang wei's Face Turned Red 答案 急!


  • Wang wei and his sister were on their way to an exhibition.They got on a bus and (D.found)发现了two seats.Then they began ( B.talking)固定搭配,交谈 with each other.suddenly the bus conductor (A.appeared)出现 in front of them.She said to Wang Wei,“Will you please give your seat to this old lady,Young Pioneer?” Wang Wei( A.looked up)抬起头 and saw an old lady (B.standing)站在他旁边 beside him.He stood up quickly and his face turned red.The old lady thanked him over and over ,(D.and)老奶奶一遍一遍谢他 then his face turned (D.redder) still.他的脸更红了!